“Catechesis is imparting truth to live by and a way to live by it.” J. I. Packer
Catechesis (ka-tə-ˈkē-səs) is the Church's God-assigned task of grounding believers in Christ and in the foundations of the Christian faith. It is making disciples by teaching them all that Christ taught the apostles, and calling them to live in the light of that teaching.
Colossians 2:6-7 "Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving."
You can learn more details about the foundations of catechesis here.
Below you can view all our online Catechesis resources.
Adult Catechesis
A Catechism produced by the ACNA and available for order or download.
A day seminar developed by St. John’s Richmond BC exploring God’s one big overarching story that is the Bible.
Children and Family Catechesis
A family resource from the Next Generation Leadership Initiative, a ministry of our province, the Anglican Church in North America.
A resource for families and their children about the gospel and Holy Communion.
A free 2-year Sunday school curriculum from Saint Matthew’s Anglican Church, Abbotsford.
Free course materials for teaching and discipling middle and high school age youth.
A way to explain and illustrate prayer for children from the catechism.
Baptism, Confirmation and Newcomers Courses
A 15-week course for Baptism or Confirmation developed out of St John’s Vancouver
Resources For Training Catechists
An information site developed by St. John’s Vancouver for training catechists.