World Mission Sunday
Our annual Sunday to remember our commission to go and make disciples of the nations.
Our annual Sunday to remember our commission to go and make disciples of the nations.
A silent retreat for clergy being organized by some local clergy in southern Ontario.
A weekend retreat in Ontario being organized and led by clergy, and other parish volunteers in the region.
A retreat for diocesan clergy and spouses in the West.
A retreat for diocesan clergy and spouses in the East.
Ordination of Mike Rutledge and welcome service for Benediction Church.
Our annual general synod will be in Burlington, Ontario this year.
The ACNA provincial assembly this year is on June 25-28, 2024 in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.
An annual Sunday for celebrating and affirming God’s gift of life is May 5, 2024.
About the consecration service as Ven. Mike Stewart is made Suffragan Bishop.
The annual Sunday appointed in our province for special focus on global mission.
Everyone is welcome to join us for the Opening Eucharist of Synod 2023 at Good Shepherd in Vancouver.
Our annual Synod 2023 will be on November 15-17, 2023 and hosted by Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd in Vancouver, BC.
On the evening of Tuesday, November 14th there will be a free event at St. John's Vancouver featuring one of our main speakers at Synod 2023, Richard Borgonon
A conference on Jump Starting Multi-Ethnic Mission: A New Breath for Cross-Cultural Ministries.
Join us this September 28, 2023 for a special one-day INCREASE Intensive focused on Church Planting.
At St. John's Vancouver's evening service on June 11th there will be six ordinations.
St. George’s Burlington is hosting a special prayer service for Bishop Charlie.
A special service as we welcome Christ Our King Calgary (formerly Via Calgary) into ANiC.
Our annual Sunday for celebrating and affirming God’s gift of life.
The fourth Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) will be held at the Kigali Conference Centre, Rwanda, in April 2023.
Join with churches across North America as we celebrate World Mission Sunday in February.
Join us and invite your friends for this free evening session with our keynote speaker Archbishop Bob Duncan at Increase Toronto.
A series of conferences designed to assist churches in the work of developing the next generation of leaders, both lay and ordained.
A special online Synod to address proposed amendments to our Canons.
On December 6, 2022 join us in attending via Zoom an M25 Virtual Gathering specifically for ANiC and our context in Canada. M25’s vision is to see an Anglican expression of justice and mercy in every parish.
Our annual general synod is to be held in Ottawa, Ontario and will include the installation of our next diocesan bishop.
Join us for this free evening session with our keynote speakers at Increase Vancouver.
A series of conferences designed to assist churches in the work of developing the next generation of leaders, both lay and ordained.
A special Sunday on May 1, 2022 to specifically acknowledge and celebrate the sanctity of all human life.
Our annual province-wide World Mission Sunday is on February 20th this year. In a letter to the province, Archbishop Foley Beach described the day this way:
This day offers us the chance to celebrate the ongoing advance of the gospel around the world, to pray for the global church, and to reflect on the Great Commission that our Lord gave us of making disciples out of all nations.
You can read the full letter from the Primate about it here.
For more information and resources visit the New Wineskins Missionary Network website.
Bishop-elect Dan Gifford is to be consecrated as our Co-Adjutor Bishop at a service in Vancouver, BC on February 6, 2022. The service will be held at Church of the Good Shepherd at 4pm PT.
To learn more, register to attend in person, and to join via the live stream visit here: