Give to Giza
Vocational Training in Giza, Egypt
As 2018 comes to a close and in this time of gift giving, Bishop Charlie would like to invite us to consider a special gift for the ARDFC Giza Project.
He visited this project in Egypt in 2015. It is a Vocational Technical School and Training Center funded by the Anglican Diocese of Egypt and the Anglican Relief and Development Fund Canada (ARDFC).
In the city of Giza 34.6% of people are unemployed. These staggering unemployment rates have led to an increase in poverty and crime in the area. For individuals with a disability, there are almost no employment opportunities or means to improve their lives.
With enough funding this training centre could make a huge difference in the lives of many young people and families in this city and beyond, and enable wonderful opportunities for the gospel to be shared in Egypt.
You can read more details here:
The commitment on this project is $111,000 and so far they have received $11,500. Please consider how you can help!