Church Planter Updates
Planting and growing churches is one of top 5 priorities to be pursuing and supporting as a diocese and parishes. We have a variety of church plants and organic projects in homes in process all over the country. Here are updates from three of the strategic church planters we are supporting as they launch new churches in Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia.
Help us support them and future church plants across the continent by giving towards our Church Planting initiatives:
Église Resurrection
Rigaud, Quebec
Planter: Rev. Jonathan Camiré
Église Resurrection Church has recently transitioned into a house church, where they are able to practice hospitality and put on a solid children's ministry for their young children (who form about half of the current congregation). They hope this new model will provide them with more agility and missionary-edge as they seek to advance the Kingdom of God in Rigaud.
This summer, they are hoping to focus on stepping into various parts of the city to showcase the Gospel and show the love of Christ to their neighbours.
Please pray for unity in the Spirit and a sustained missional-mindset.
You can learn more about Église Resurrection on their website:
Messiah Kanata
Kanata, Ontario
Planter: Rev. Daniel Avitan
What’s happening?
We have had a fruitful and busy few months of ministry since launching on October 24th. We have made it through the Christmas and Easter seasons, launched a very successful GBS ministry (big thanks to Jeremy and Penny for the direction and support!), had 6 wonderful baptisms, enjoyed a visit from the Bishop and grew in love and friendship as a married couple (with the stress of a launch, I praise God for this more than everything else).
In all, we are humbled and thankful for the goodness of God in this season of launching Messiah Kanata!
What are you hoping for?
We are hoping to grow! Growth in the number of committed parishioners, growth in our love for Jesus, growth in connections with non-Christians and growth in monthly donors.
What are your pressing needs?
We are praying for a Sunday morning venue in a central and growing location of Kanata. We have been incredibly blessed by our relationship with Kanata Baptist Church. The location and facilities are truly unmatched in our area however we see that there are areas of growth that would happen if we could transition from Sunday afternoons to Sunday mornings. Please pray that the Lord would lead our venue committee as they search and pray.
Another need is for a music leader. We have had people both inside and outside the church who have led us in singing praises (including yours truly, acapella no less - Lord have mercy!), however we would like someone to consistently lead and grow congregational singing.
You can learn more about Messiah Kanata on their website:
North Vancouver, British Columbia
It was fantastic to celebrate Jesus resurrection this Easter – what a joyful celebration and such a privilege to baptise.
ALPHA COURSE UPDATE - We started the Alpha course this week and met some lovely new people. We had two tables, one for adults and one for children. It was such a great start to our new course. We are praying that those who are participating will meet the risen Lord Jesus and join the community.
FOOD MINISTRY – we are now feeding 30+ families each week and seeing a number of people taking steps into the community, whether participating in Alpha or coming to church.
CHURCH RETREAT – we have booked a church retreat, 3rd-5th June 2022 and are hoping for a great weekend of weather, teaching, building community and fun!
You can learn more about Highway Church on their website:
We Need Your Support
We are convinced that church planting is one of the most important and effective strategies for spreading the gospel, making disciples, and renewing the life and vibrance of our diocese. But church planting is not easy and requires resources. You can learn more about our church planting priority and give to support our church planting efforts here: