Sean Love Appointed Archdeacon

Diocesan Bishop Dan Gifford and the House of Bishops have appointed the Reverend Sean Love, rector of St. John’s Richmond, as Archdeacon for the Lower Mainland and Interior of BC. He will be stepping into this role on March 1, 2024, as Bishop-Elect Mike Stewart takes on his new duties as bishop.

Archdeacon Sean is also our Diocesan Ordination Chaplain.

Along with a core group, Sean planted St. John’s Richmond in 2005. It was the first parish welcomed into ANiC, and Sean was one of the first two clergy licensed in ANiC by Bishop Don Harvey. Sean is a Vancouverite by birth and trained in geography and high school education. He lived in New Mexico for nine years where he was a youth minister and high school teacher. Sean returned to Vancouver in 2002 and completed his MDiv at Regent College, as well as an apprenticeship with Artizo. He is married to Penny and has three sons, Graham, Thomas (married to Audrey), and Dylan.

You can learn more about all our Archdeacons and other leadership here:

Scott Hunt