Prayer Calendar - March 2025
Praise items and prayer requests coming from within our diocese, the ACNA and the Anglican Communion for each day of this month.
Pray for Bishop Dan Gifford (& Cathryn), the diocesan bishop. May God grant him all the health, strength, discernment, vision and the passion he needs for this important responsibility. And may the Lord grant him Gospel zeal as he cares for the clergy and parishes across our diocese.
Our diocese and province: Pray for all our congregations and leaders across the Anglican Diocese of Canada and our province of the Anglican Church in North America. Pray for His mercy, grace and blessing, that He would keep us always faithful and true to His calling and glorious Gospel.
Pray for our suffragan bishops, Bishop Stephen Leung (& Nona) and for Bishop Mike Stewart (& Marianne), as they shepherd the congregations in their charge in AMMiC and Western Canada.
And pray for retired bishops, Bishop Ron Ferris (& Jan), Bishop Grant LeMarquand (& Wendy), Bishop Charlie Masters (& Judy), Bishop Don Harvey (& Trudy), Bishop Trevor Walters (& Dede), and Bishop Malcolm Harding (& Marylou) for their years of service and ministries they continue to support across our diocese and beyond.Pray for our recently-elected primate, Archbishop Steve Wood (& Jacqueline) as he gives godly leadership to the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), in which we are one of twenty-eight dioceses. May God in His grace grant him great wisdom, strength, protection and faithfulness in this role.
As we enter the season of Lent pray with us the Collect for Ash Wednesday: Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing you have made, and you forgive the sins of all who are penitent: Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (BCP 2019)
Pray for recently consecrated bishop, Darrell Critch, who is caring for the clergy in the Diocese of Mahajanga in Madagascar. Bishop Darrell was the rector of the Church of the Good Samaritan in St. John’s NL, and will maintain a strong relationship with this parish during his new ministry in Africa. In particular pray for the children in the church-run school where even simple things such as wooden benches are needed so the children can be seated off the dirt floor. You can learn more and give here
Pray for our Anglican Relief and Development Canada (ARDFC): Their current focus is the Diocese of Mahajanga in Madagascar (see yesterday’s prayer focus). They are currently awaiting a formal proposal from Bishop Darrell Critch, and will then be assisting with some much-needed church school facilities there. You can learn more and give at the
Our Diocesan 5 Ministry Priorities – Pray that God will use these five strategic priorities to transform us and our parishes. Pray for the leadership teams around each priority: Bold Witnesses; Biblically Grounded; Discipling Children & Youth; On Mission, and Planting & Growing Churches.
Pray for lay leaders in our parishes; for wardens and lay readers, for ministry coordinators, catechists, youth and children’s leaders and all those who provide leadership in their congregations. Pray that they would lead faithfully and wisely, that their labours would be by the Spirit, and that they would be encouraged and strengthened in Christ.
Our Diocesan staff & volunteers, especially our executive director, Rev. Canon Howard Edwards. Pray for strength for the tasks, faithfulness in service, and joy in the Lord. Pray for diocesan council, chancellor & registrar – Pray for wisdom and servant hearts as they serve. May God’s blessing rest on our diocese as we seek to build Biblically faithful, Gospel sharing, Anglican churches.
Asian & Multicultural Ministries in Canada (AMMiC) – May God bless and prosper their efforts as they minister within communities of ethnic minorities and new immigrants, seeking to make disciples and plant churches. You can learn more about this important work at
Pray for all our young church plants, projects and prospective ministries including: Emmanuel Winnipeg, MB (coming this year); Via Caronport, SK; All Saints Calgary, AB; Good Shepherd Burnaby, BC (Chinese); King’s Cross Burnaby, BC; and Redemption Church Charlottetown, PEI.
Pray for the faculty and students of our diocesan seminary, Packer College, resident at the Church of the Good Samaritan in St. John’s, NL. Pray that many “labourers will be sent out into the harvest” (Matt 9:38). For more detailed information about the college, its mission, and student life, visit
Our diocesan archdeacons, canons & all clergy – Pray for spiritual and physical protection and renewal as well as God’s blessing upon their ministry. Pray also for their spouses & families that God would grant them safety and health in body, mind and spirit and may the Lord grant them grace upon grace as they pastor those under their care.
Pray for the recovery of the many who are sick among us:
Almighty and immortal God, giver of life and health: We implore your mercy for your servant (insert specific names here) that by your blessing upon them and upon those who minister to them with your healing gifts, they may be restored to health of body and mind, according to your gracious will, and may give thanks to you in your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (BCP 2019)Our congregations in the Atlantic Provinces:
St Stephen the Martyr (St John’s, NL)
Good Samaritan (St John’s, NL)
All Saints (Bonavista, NL)
St. Matthew’s (Gander, NL)
Resurrection (Halifax, NS)
Christ the King (Sussex, NB)Our congregations in Quebec & New England:
Emmaus (Montreal, QC)
St Timothy’s (Montreal, QC)
St James (Lennoxville, QC)
Holy Trinity (Marlborough, MA)Our congregations in the Ottawa area:
St Luke’s (Pembroke)
Messiah (Ottawa)
St Peter & St Paul’s (Ottawa)
Grace (Mississippi Mills)
Eternal Hope (Carleton Place)
Messiah West (Kanata)Our congregations in Ontario:
St Aidan’s (Windsor)
Cornerstone Anglican Church (Sarnia)
Church of the Good Shepherd (Sault Ste Marie)
St Barnabas Anglican Mission (Wilsonville)
Celebration Church (Barrie)Our congregations in Ontario:
St Hilda’s (Oakville)
St Peter by the Park (Hamilton)
St George’s (Burlington)
Church of the Good Shepherd (St Catharines)
All Saints GTA (Mississauga)Our congregations in Greater Toronto and eastern Ontario:
St Chad’s (Toronto)
Christ the King (Toronto)
New Song (Port Perry)
Living Waters (Kingston)
St James Fellowship (Trenton)Our congregations in Saskatchewan & Manitoba:
Resurrection (Brandon, MB)
St Bede’s (Kinosota, MB)
Redeemer (Dauphin, MB)
Saint Saviour’s (Lloydminster, SK)
Via Caronport, (Caronport, SK)
Ascension (Saskatoon, SK)Our congregations in Alberta:
Grace Anglican (Calgary)
Christ the King (Edmonton)
Good Shepherd - Cantonese (Calgary)
Living Water (Athabasca)
All Saints (Calgary)
Christ the Redeemer (Lethbridge)
Christ Our King (Calgary)Our congregations in the Fraser Valley & Interior of BC:
Ascension (Langley)
Resurrection (Kelowna)
Saint Matthew’s (Abbotsford)
Christ Church (Kelowna)
Church of the Holy Cross (Abbotsford)
Emmaus Road Anglican (Langley)Our congregations in the Vancouver area:
St John’s (Vancouver)
St Thomas Mission (Vancouver)
St John’s (Richmond)
St Peter’s Fireside (Vancouver)
St Andrew’s (Delta)Our congregations in the Vancouver area:
St Matthias and St Luke (Vancouver)
Good Shepherd (Richmond)
Church of the Good Shepherd (Vancouver)
St Timothy’s (North Vancouver)
St Simon’s (North Vancouver)
Good Shepherd (Burnaby)
King’s Cross (Burnaby)Our congregations on Vancouver Island:
Open Gate Church (Victoria)
Church of Our Lord (Victoria)
Christ’s Church (Nanoose Bay)
The Table (Victoria)Pray for the ongoing ministry of Gafcon, of which our diocese and province are a part. Pray for the fulfillment of their God-given mandate: “Gafcon works to guard and proclaim the unchanging, transforming Gospel through biblically faithful preaching and teaching which frees our churches to make disciples by clear and certain witness to Jesus Christ in all the world.” Pray for Archbishop Laurent Mbanda (Rwanda) who is the Chairman of the Gafcon Primates Council, and there are also two vice-chairs, Archbishop Miguel Uchoa (Brazil) and Archbishop Kanishka Raffel (Sydney).
Pray for our diocesan Curacy Program where support is provided to young clergy so they can take curacy positions in some of our congregations. Pray for these curates that they would grow and mature as clergy and serve their congregations faithfully. Pray for the rectors of these congregations that they would mentor these curates well. Pray that the Lord would provide more funds and young clergy that we might expand the program.
Pray for our Church Planting Committee as they work to organize and facilitate church planting efforts across the diocese. May our churches embrace a gospel vision for multiplication and may we see many churches planted in the near future.
Pray for peace of the world:
Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: So mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples may be gathered under the banner of the Prince of Peace; to whom be dominion and glory, now and for ever. Amen. (BCP 2019)